Scholarship Application Information

Contact Kevin Hanson (507) 289-9532


Renee Tschumper at


The Fraternal Order of Eagles

ATTN: Scholarship Committee

917 15th Avenue SE

Rochester, MN 55904

The Eagles Aerie 2228 received over 50 applications and we awarded 24 scholarships of $500 each. 


Taylor Ask - Chatfield

Benjamin Beckenbaugh - Lourdes

Chloe Berg - Chatfield

Bryn Billmeier - Lourdes 

Emirson Brehmer - Dover-Eyota

Benjamin Condon - Mayo

Carson Eide - Mayo

Taylor Elliott - Lourdes

Joshua Hanson - John Marshall

Alexis Henry - Chatfield

Camryn Hoth - Stewartville

Caleb Lanners - Schaeffer Academy

Angela McClellan - Stewarville

Michah Nelson - Rochester

Reed Neubauer - Stewartville

Karley Olson - Stewartville

McKenna O'Neill - Stewartville

Benjamin Reiland - Lourdes

Elliana Sagdalen - PEM

Emily Stevens - Grand Meadow

Lily Sullivan - St Charles

Avery Toft - St Charles

Cole Weiss - Grand Meadow

Emma Zoeller - Stewartville


Congratulations and best of luck to all recepients! 

The Eagles Auxiliary 2228 Scholarship Winners


Jeremiah - Rediske, from Decorah, IA. He will be attending Buena Vista University for Animal Science and Ag Business Management.


Benjamin Reiland, from Rochester Lourdes. He will be attending University of Iowa for Business.


Congratulations and best of luck to all the graduating Seniors!

2025 Eagles 2228 Aerie Scholarship application
2025 Eagles 2228 Aerie Scholarship app.p[...]
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2025 Eagles Auxillary Scholarship
2025 Auxiliary Scholarship Application .[...]
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